Festival Goer’s Guide

A Family Guide to attending a Children’s Literature Festival

Step into the enchanting world of St Austell Children’s Literature Festival in the heart of St Austell! 

This guide is tailored for families ready to explore the magic of reading and books spread across multiple venues, including the White River Cinema, Unit 4 Studio, and various pop-up locations.

Diverse Authors and Illustrators

We showcase a variety of top authors and illustrators. However, due to scheduling and the popularity of certain sessions, be prepared because you might not be able to attend all events.

Engaging Storytelling Sessions

Storytelling is at the heart of our festival. Authors often read their books aloud, captivating young audiences with animated performances.

You will also be able to participate in interactive sessions where children can ask questions and share their thoughts about the stories.

Interactive Workshops and Activities

Look out for hands-on workshops and activities that stimulate creativity and imagination.

Workshops may include storytelling, art and craft, writing, and even dance and drama.

Book Shop

Explore the bookshop to discover new titles and purchase books at special festival prices.

Festival merchandise, such as posters, bookmarks, and themed items, may also be available for purchase.

This is also where author signings will take place. They are a wonderful experience but expect queues. Plan accordingly, and consider prioritising your child’s favourite authors.

How to get here

Parking is available at White River or Priory Car Parks. We are also a short walk from St Austell Bus and Train Station. Use postcode PL25 5AZ and you will find us!

Independent Adventures for Older Children

St Austell’s Children’s Literature Festival understands children of different ages within families may wish to attend different events. Therefore, children aged 9 and above can attend on their own after being signed in by a responsible adult. The sign-in process includes providing an emergency contact number.

What you need to bring with you

You can come completely empty-handed, but you might like to bring a notebook and pen, any books you would like to get signed, some money for the book shop and most importantly – you!

Special Offers

Follow the link below to purchase your tickets and look out for special family ticket prices.

In Summary

Be flexible, have a backup plan, embrace the joy of the festival, knowing that even if you miss some events, the shared moments with your family and the joy of discovery are what truly matter. Enjoy the festivities, create lasting memories, and celebrate the magic of children’s books and reading!