Past Events

We’re more than just a festival, see below for some of our previous events.

2023 Festival

The inaugural Festival of Childern’s Literature.

Dads who Read

Encouraging Dads to read with their children. There was lots of books in Unit 4 and a Special visit from author Julie Sykes.


A picnic but with books!

See our upcoming events page for future events

Writer in Residence

There has been a lot of research around reading for pleasure but not so much around writing for pleasure. This is beginning to change with recent reports including:

As part of our extended outreach work we have matched Naomi with Carclaze Primary School where she has been running creative writing sessions over a 10 week period. 

“I have been coming to Carclaze Primary School for the last ten weeks to share my love of writing with the year six classes there. I’ve taught them some tips and techniques that I use as an author and we’ve explored everything from creating characters to the different genres of stories that exist. 

Naomi reflects:

We’ve worked on different forms of writing from memoir to rap and poetry and from world building by designing video games to making a physical book. My main aim has been to encourage the children to experiment, to play with words and flex their creative muscles, just for fun. During these sessions there is no mention of spellings, grammar or handwriting – the focus is purely on expressing themselves and trying new things. 

At the end of every workshop there is time for the children to share their work, if they want to, and it’s been a pleasure to hear their writing week after week as their confidence has developed.

Writing for the sheer joy of it, is such an important skill. Studies have shown that it can help with everything from academic success to mental health. Writing teaches you it’s ok to make mistakes and editing teaches you to be resilient but more important than any of those things, is that writing can be imaginative, playful and fun.